


old folks home 两个单词 均可 谢谢采纳 女孩子不会忘记第一个喜欢过的男孩。甚至是尴尬的过去A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don’t quite work out。

敬老院:[jìng lǎo yuàn ]geracomium gerocomium 例句与用法:请不要把祖父送到敬老院去,我知道他宁愿生命不息,工作不已。

敬老院英语是gerocomium。gerocomium 读音:英[derukumim]。释义:n.养老院;敬老院。


1、敬老院英语是gerocomium。gerocomium 读音:英[derukumim]。释义:n.养老院;敬老院。

2、养老院英语[名词] old peoples home; rest home; home;敬老院(geracomium),为老年人提供养老服务的非营利性组织,又称养老院。

3、最好翻译为 club for aged people,如果 用 old peoples home 或 home for aged people 有养老院或敬老院之嫌。


1、去养老院帮助老人的英语如下:Go to the nursing home to help the elderly。英语的重要性如下:扩宽学生的视野和思考能力。

2、太平洋养老院 Pacific Nursing Home 养老院的英语例句: He died in a nursing home at the age of 8他在一家养老院去世,享年87岁。

3、养老院英语[名词] oldpeopleshome; resthome; home;敬老院(geracomium),为老年人提供养老服务的非营利性组织,又称养老院。西方国家的养老院通常由地方政府或慈善机构与企业合作开办,能接收有各种各样需求的老人。

4、过去我卜晌尘们经常去养老院关爱老人英语In the past, we often went to nursing homes to care for the elderly。

5、old folks home 两个单词 均可 谢谢采纳 女孩子不会忘记第一个喜欢过的男孩。甚至是尴尬的过去A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don’t quite work out。



过去我卜晌尘们经常去养老院关爱老人英语In the past, we often went to nursing homes to care for the elderly。

去养老院帮助老人的英语如下:Go to the nursing home to help the elderly。英语的重要性如下:扩宽学生的视野和思考能力。

双语例句 Moreover we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bringwarm to the lonely people.此外,我们经常可以看到,有很多学生去敬老院看望老人给他们带去温暖。

养老院英语[名词] old peoples home; rest home; home;敬老院(geracomium),为老年人提供养老服务的非营利性组织,又称养老院。

On September 9, the Double Ninth Festival arrived. Our class 4 and 7 organized to visit those lonely old people in the nursing home.九月九日重阳节到了,我们四七班组织去敬老院看望那些孤单老人。